PropertyDIGITAL offers a marketing solution for transforming vacant properties into “virtually staged” homes that SELL!
You want your pictures to be instantly recognisable online and be remembered because of their warm and inviting appearance.
PropertyDIGITAL offers a cost-effective marketing solution for a fraction of the cost of traditional staging.
We utilise our extensive proprietary furnishings image library to transform any vacant home.
We use the ACTUAL photographs of the property that we capture for you and literally transform them into attractive, attention-getting pictures that drive buyer traffic to the home.
Our virtual Furniture is digitally scanned and not CGI (Computer Generated Image) giving the realistic appearance of Furniture – The items also exhibit qualities of light bounce and reflections – something that other provides fail to deliver – Attention to detail and great turn make our service popular – and not only in WA but around Australia and in come cases world wide.
Free edits for any changes gladly accepted without extra charge.
The service is also perfect for builders and property developers who what to maximise the appeal of current builds for a fraction of the cost of traditional furniture staging. Cost effective and low maintenance. Perfect exposure tool..
We love traditional staged properties to shoot always – Getting the wide shots – the details but the Virtual Furniture Staging option is cost effective.
The price of the service is based on per shot rendered and turnaround is usually next day by 9am (or earlier)
All we need to go is the high resolution image(s) you would like processed.. We can rely on input from you and what you would like to insert into the shot(s) – or decor overall – our team makes great choices on their own – letting you get on with business…
While we recommend staging the living room, dining room, kitchen, master bedroom and master bathroom, you can substitute other similar livings areas.
Our ONLINE CATALOG of staging furniture and props is available to browse
Simply browse the catalog – select the elements you want to add to a shot by referencing the number of the element in the catalog and outline the photo number it is to be placed on – send this information and the High resolution photos to be furnished to info@propertydigital.com.au and we will do the rest – next day by 9am – High res. and Web res. images supplied
We can now VIRTUALLY REVIVE any space with new decor…..
Call us now on 0424372994 – 0478757660 – email info@propertydigital.com.au to discuss options and pricing.